Title: Defy Gravity Extended
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Fish Factory Games
Publisher: Fish Factory Games
Release Date: 26 Jul 2011
Languages: English
Detail: http://katt.it/749150
Defy Gravity is an action platformer that is a mix between classic platforming and gravity based puzzle solving. Kara, our heroine, has access to a unique gameplay mechanic that she uses to manipulate the world around her. She has a gun that is able to alter the laws of physics through the creation of pockets of gravity and anti-gravity.
- Unique physics engine that provides a never before experienced gameplay experience.
- Xbox controller and keyboard/mouse support
- 24 unique levels
- A second quest mode that radically changes the game and adds an additional 24 levels
- Custom Soundtrack
- 8 Steam Achievements
Password: www.gameloo.info
Release detail: http://katt.it/0a884a